Piscean “Sea Dragons” Appearing into the Light… The all-encompassing water sign of Pisces. A happy hello from my two swimmingly cool and colourful astrological dragons...
Vibrant Sea Dragons Of Astrologica Get A New Coat of Paint A pair of Piscean water dragons get a new splash of colour...
Creating a Warm, Cuddly Nest of Golden Dragonlings... Creating a Warm, Cuddly Nest of Golden Dragonlings...
Why Is Lord Of The Blue Moon Green?… As you can probably gather I love dragons and bringing them to life through the creative process is so exciting! This got me thinking… How could I share some of...
Watch me colour a reindeer and a dragon at super-human speed... Two more coloring videos added - Wintermoon (a reindeer) and Lord of the Blue Moon (a dragon)...