How taking a bath splashed “Mechanagon” into existence...

Mechanagon, my clockwork dragon that was already 'line-ified' as part of the 'Pendragon Colouring Pack' - is now ready and available as a print of the original...

My inspiration for “Mechanagon” struck me when I was relaxing during 'bath time' one evening…

I noticed the beautiful, natural design in the wood of the bathroom door and was drawn to a particular part of it: a circular knot within the main panel reminded me at that moment of a clock face.

[Image: Simple inspirations for a clockwork dragon]


I love the face and pendulums of an old grandfather clock that lives downstairs, so my maybe the bath salts decided to prompt me into combining the two ideas together. We are simply surrounded by everyday objects that can give way to ideas...

Anyway, this initial inspiration led me on to the birth of Mechanagon: the plinth of a pendulum clock would become the throne for a majestic clockwork dragon to sit upon...

By looking at mechanical clocks online as a reference the rest of my picture started to take shape…

[Image: simple sketches of cogs and wheels]


“Mechanagon” was then drawn by using cogs and wheels to give him that mechanical feel. I really enjoyed working on his construction, especially on how his mechanical wings would open to bend and fly...

Again, it's amazing how you can start forming and creating ideas just from looking at everyday objects around you….

[Image: final Mechanagon sketch]

So there you go - 'Mechanagon' dragon is now available in various sizes, with options of mounts and frames. And to think he began life in a bath, with a simple gaze towards a wooden door!

I hope your next bath inspire something fun and creative for you :)

[ * LAUNCH OFFER * Mechangon Dragon Prints & Frames ]

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