DragonDrawn Art Classes: Teaching Kids Has Taught Me So Much...

Kids, Colour & Copious Amounts of Creativity

I recently decided to start getting back into teaching art to others, and part of that has involved the hectic but super-rewarding groups of kids, as a 'pilot' scheme.

In a time where artistic avenues in school seem to be being cut back each year, it's been a pleasure to see my new young friends get stuck in to all manner of arty projects. I'm very proud of what they've been enjoying and achieving in such a short time...


dragon drawn art class
[Above: DragonDrawn Dragonlings in action]

Of course, there's more involved in setting up even a small group than you initially realise. I'll probaby limit my groups to 5, purely to be able to divide my time effectively across everyone...and also to have enough energy left over by the end to clean up all the paint!

But it's all so worthwhile. Besides the fun of seeing youngsters enjoy being truly creative (rather than stuck in a class copying notes as dry as the desert from a blackboard), there's the humbling part for me, the 'teacher':

It's only when attempting to teach others that you truly start learning it yourself!

Anyway - a big thanks to all my wonderful new pupils for enjoying artistic times with me! I'm looking forward to sharing many more hours of colourful fun.

And if you're interested in one-to-one art lessons for fun and relaxation, i'm considering offering remote sessions online very soon. Feel free to contact me in advance if you're interested.

Oh,and more artwork is on its way into my product range again soon :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

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